2024 September 22

Bishops' Statement on the Election of New President of Sri Lanka

We, The Rt. Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo, Bishop of Colombo, and The Rt. Rev. Nishantha Fernando, Bishop of Kurunagala, extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Anura Kumara Dissanayake on his election as the President of Sri Lanka. The people have clearly spoken, and their mandate for change is the culmination of struggles and aspirations that have unfolded over the last two years.

It is our sincere hope that the new President will honour the Constitution and democratic traditions of this country, recognizing the trust placed in him by the majority. In doing so, we look forward to a smooth transition of power and a swift return to normalcy, allowing citizens to resume their daily lives in peace.

Mr. Dissanayake now bears the responsibility of serving as the President for all the people of this nation, including those who did not vote for him. His leadership must embrace all communities, especially racial and religious minorities, and those marginalized in society. This is an opportunity for the new President to rise beyond politics and take on the mantle of a statesman, promoting national unity and inclusivity.

We are encouraged that this election will be remembered as one of the most peaceful, calm, and fair in our nation’s history. The people were able to exercise their right to vote free from fear or intimidation, a testament to the maturity of our citizens and the continued strength of Sri Lanka’s democratic tradition. We express our deep gratitude to the Election Commission, the police and armed forces, public servants, election monitors, and civil organizations whose tireless efforts ensured the integrity of this process.

Furthermore, the noticeable reduction in the use of environmentally harmful materials, such as polythene, posters, and cut-outs, during this election, reflects a growing commitment to caring for our environment, which we commend.

As the newly elected President, Mr Dissanayake must now guarantee the safety of all Sri Lankans in the post-election period and ensure that the democratic process continues through free and fair parliamentary elections in the future.

The mandate given by the people clearly rejects corruption, nepotism, cronyism, and political opportunism. We urge the President to be mindful of these realities and work towards promoting equal opportunity, good governance, the Rule of Law, and transparency in all public affairs.

The people of Sri Lanka continue to struggle with economic hardships, a heavy debt burden, and limited opportunities for sustainable livelihoods. We call upon the new administration to approach these challenges with urgency and commitment and to focus on addressing the core issues that plague our nation.

It is now time to walk the talk.

The Right Reverend Dushantha Rodrigo (Bishop of Colombo)

The Right Reverend Nishantha Fernando (Bishop of Kurunagala)

Read the full statement in English here (PDF)