Board of Religious Education
In keeping with Proverbs 22.6, it has been the collective effort of all the Sunday School Teachers, the Clergy, and the Board to work hard to build a sound Christian foundation in our children. We have achieved much from the programs held so far and look forward to achieving much more in the days to come. May the Lord grant us grace as we continue in His Ministry.
Recent updates
The first quarter of the year 2021, was a challenging period for all of us. The fact is that despite these challenges, we were able to gather all the necessary information and share it with the children online. We are also happy we were able to collect information about our churches and share it with them on WhatsApp and also conduct our “Zoom Sunday School”. We divided the Diocese into three areas, viz., Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, and Kandy, and conducted these Sunday schools in the Sinhala and Tamil mediums and as a result, bring our children closer to God Almighty. It is a great achievement that in the new world we were able to work with the advances of such technology. The board thanks all those who initiated this new path for education.
Past news
Bible Quiz
The Annual Bible Quiz for the under 12 age group was held in the Holy Trinity Church of Trinity College, Kandy on October 20th, 2012, with the participation of thirteen teams. The championship was won by the team from the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Hewadiwala, while the team from the Church of the Living Christ, Talawa became the 1st Runners up.
The Bible Quiz for the under16 age group was held on November 10th, 2012 in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Kurunagala. Once again it was the team from the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Hewadiwala that won the championship while the team from St. Paul's Church, Kandy became the 1st Runners up.
G.C.E. (A/L) Seminars
A special seminar was conducted for the students offering Christianity as a subject at the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advance Level (A/L) examination 2012. It was conducted in the Sinhala medium by Ms Chithrani Kumarage and in Tamil medium by Ms Glory Rajan. The Board extends its heartfelt gratitude for their contribution.
The Sunday School Exam
This year too we were able to successfully conduct the above examination in all the churches of the Diocese. We thank all those who contributed fully to make this possible.
Annual General Meeting
The AGM was held on 16th February, 2013 in the hall of the Cathedral of Christ the King, Kurunagala, under the patronage of our Lord Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Shantha Francis and the participation of The Ven. Archdeacon, Teachers, Superintendents, Clergy and Lay workers.
Teacher Training
A special workshop for Sunday School Teachers held on April 10th 2013, in the Auditorium of the the Bishop Lakshman Wickramasinghe Memorial Center, in Kurunagala. It was conducted by Ms Nilanthi De Silva with the participation of around 65 teachers. We thank Ms De Silva for her invaluable service.
We are also much grateful to the Principal, Dr. Lal Senanayake and Staff of The Bible College, Peradeniya for conducting a much effective and appreciated program on Councelling for our Sunday School Teachers. This was held on July 6th, 2013. We also extend a special vote of thanks to Ms Nayana Lawrence, for her contribution.
The Sunday School Rally — 2013
This year, our Rally was held in Kandy. Under the leadership and guidance of our Lord Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Shantha Francis, a group of around 700 participants including students and teachers of all the Parishes in the Diocese, Clergy, Layworkers and staff walked in a procession of witness through the streets of Kandy, from St. Paul's Church to Trinity College, led by the Western Band of CMS Hillwood College. On reaching Trinity College a very colourful program consisting of many cultural items and the presentation of awards and trophies for the year was held.
We are very thankful to World Vision as with their contribution we were able to distribute Teachers' Guides to all the Sunday school teachers. We are also thankful to all those who contributed generously towards this event.
Future Endeavors
We are in the process of planning to conduct Teacher seminars and training workshops, Recreation and Education Tours, Vacation Bible Schools, Bible Quiz programs, G.C.E (O/L) & (A/L) Seminars, Sunday School Exams, International Children's Day and Teachers' day programs, and look forward to your prayers and cooperation for the success of these tasks.
We extend a warm welcome to our new Chairperson of the Board, Rev. Anton Williams. We also extend our warmest welcome to our new Lady Priests, Rev. Vathsala Paulraj and Rev. Seetha Marasinghe, may the Lord bless you abundantly as you strive forward in His Ministry.
We are happy that there is an increase in interest to obtain the N.C.R.K Qualification by our teachers. We are also much grateful to Ms Christine Jack of the Diocese of Ripon, England, for her continuous support and commitment in obtaining for us the financial support we need.
We sincerely thank our Lord Bishop and World Vision for signing a much important Memorandum of Understanding which would enable us to obtain support and guidance for our future Religious Educational programs.
We are very thankful to the Kithumina Co-ordinator Mr.Aruna de Silva for giving us his fullest cooperation by providing the much needed propaganda and publicity for the events conducted by the Sunday school children and the Board of Religious Education.