Comparative Studies of Religions

GOD THE ULTIMATE REALITY - පරම සත්‍යය වන දෙවි සමිඳුන්

We believe in one God. Although we believe in the one and only God, our God is a Trinity. The concept of the Trinity is not something strange to us. It is a concept of wholeness. For instance, when a man and a woman come together in love and have a child there is a trinity. This trinity is a family. Three persons but one family. Think of the sun. From the sun we get heat and light. That is a trinity of power.

Not only that. In many major religions, there are kinds of trinities that define the ultimate reality. Buddhists take comfort in the triple gem of Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha. Buddha is the person who showed the way to liberation. Dhamma is the way. And Sangha is the disciples of Buddha who are vehicles of Dhamma. The Hindus believe in Tri Murti. They believe in their deities of devas called Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is the deity of creation. Vishnu is the deity of maintenance and Shiva is the deity of dissolution.

All this shows how human beings have been understanding the ultimate reality (or reality beyond all realities) in the perception of the Trinity. We Christians believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Not three Gods but one. Mathematically this is not possible. So how can we understand and explain this truth?

Here we are discussing the truth beyond all truths and whatever explanation we give is not sufficient to explain the whole truth. But with our human wisdom, we can understand this truth, to a certain extent. To explain this ultimate truth let me use water as a metaphor. Chemically water is called H2O. But physically it has three forms - steam, water, and ice. In other words, gas, liquid and solid. Pure steam cannot be seen. But it has the power to drive engines. It cannot be touched. In the Godhead, the Father can be compared to steam.

In our day-to-day life, we use H2O as water or liquid. We drink water and use it for cleaning purposes. Similarly, we have met God in Jesus. He was with us as a human being and experienced the trials and tribulations of our lives. When we have a high temperature we use ice to lower it. Water or steam cannot be used for that purpose. Likewise, the Holy Spirit comforts us. He gives us consolation.

So we see how God works among us in three different forms. This helps us to understand God not just as a distant power or as a loving man, or as a vague force. He is all-powerful, but in Jesus, he is a man like us, and always with us.

This is our God in whom we believe - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let us have faith in God through all the days of our life and beyond.