Archdeacon of Kurunagala Diocese Announces Retirement After Years of Service

The Diocese of Kurunagala bid farewell to the Archdeacon Ven. George Melder as he announced his retirement after several years of dedicated service.

Archdeacon Ven. George Melder has been a pillar of strength within the diocese, providing spiritual guidance, leadership, and support to clergy members and congregations throughout the diocese. Under Archdeacon Rev. George Melder's leadership, the diocese experienced a period of growth and development as he worked towards strengthening relationships between the clergy and laity.

In announcing their retirement, Archdeacon Ven. George Melder expressed gratitude for the privilege of serving the diocese and the opportunity to work alongside dedicated individuals who share their passion for faith and service.

As the Diocese prepares for a new chapter, the diocese has appointed Archdeacon Rev. Anton Williams as the successor to this role.

The diocese and the wider community express their gratitude to Archdeacon Ven. George Melder and extend their heartfelt wishes for a fulfilling retirement.

කුරුණෑගල දියෝකීසියේ අනුනායක පදවියේ වසර ගණනක් සේවය කල වන්දනීය ජෝජ් මෙල්ඩර් පියතුමා අද දින ඔහුගේ විශ්‍රාම ගැනීම නිවේදනය කලේය. නව අනුනායක ලෙස වන්දනීය ඇන්ටන් විලියම්ස් පියතුමා පත් වී ඇත.

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